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Fuel Pump Cam Disk 146220-4820 Professionnel

il y a 4 mois   Véhicules   Pourham   97 vues
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Fuel Pump Cam Disk 146220-4820

Julio) Whats--App 86--1--3--3--8--6--9--0--1--3--2--6


With almost 20 years of history and expertise, CHINA-LUTONG offers the most complete range Parts and Components for Diesel Injection. We have available spare parts for diesel injection pumps, injectors and unit injector pumps. The philosophy of our Company is based on the reliability, professionalism, expertise and price/quality ratio.

In order to satisfy any request from our customers, we have available a warehouse with more than 3000 items Diesel Parts.


a)Competitive Prices

b)Excellent customer service

c)Qualified Staff

d)Technical Support

e)High quality products


China-Lutong supplies the following common rail components:

Common Rail Nozzle

Common Rail Valve


Common Rail Injectors

Supply pumps – CB18